23 May 2012

RBGC Finance Report for April 2012

Due to missing the publishing deadline, there is no finance report in the current club newsletter. However, the finance report is below:

The Club reported a loss for the month of April albeit a small loss of $818.

Contributing factors were a number of lost days following heavy rain as well as large poker machine payouts over the month. Of concern was the reduction in  Bar, Function and Green fees against the corresponding period of 2011.

During April the club held 3 weddings, 1 Corporate golf day, 1 Members birthday function as well as a number of member/promotional events.

Looking further into our results and having researched results locally it is interesting to note that other Clubs and Hotels in the area reported a significant downturn for April 2012.

This may be simply a "one off poor month", however it tends to reflect a broader slowdown in consumer spending and it is fortunate that our club remains in a solid financial position and will weather any downturn quite well.
An example of our position is that we have no fulltime men’s membership available. The vast majority of golf clubs across Australia would envy our position.

With the completion of the renovations to the Ladies Facilities  and the construction of the new Gazebo ,this  brings to an end any capital works for this financial year. We will continue to complete regular repairs and maintenance as required but the Board has no further capital expenditure planned at the present time.

Wages and salaries for the month remained within the parameters set by the Board .

As stated earlier, our Club remains in a good financial position and this is  supported by our Internal auditor’s report for April. We will remain vigilant on costs whilst offering the best experience for all members and guests both on and off the course.

Tony Stanton

Director of Finance

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