15 Jul 2011

Water Wise

"Being Water Wise" is a current government focus bought on by the drought period witnessed in Australia a few years ago so this article is to assist in this area.
The amount of water you need to keep your lawn lush can be reduced if you water intelligently. There is however, no simple answer about how frequently to water: it depends on how hot and windy the area is, the depth and type of soil and the type of grass you have. However there are a few tips can help lead you down the right path:
Tip 1: Water deeply when it is allowed - deep soakings will establish a deep root system, meaning the roots are less vulnerable to drying out.
Tip 2: Aim to get the water down about 25mm below the roots, a soaker hose or low volume irrigation is best to achieve this.
Tip 3: The best time to water is early in the morning when less water is lost through evaporation. Watering in the evening means the lawn remains wet, which can encourage disease.
Tip 4: Choose a drought resistant turf grass that requires minimal water to survive, Couch grass or Baffalo Grass would be a great choice and adapts well to the Australian climate.

RBGC Greens Staff

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